Cybersec Infohub Annual Professional Workshop 2023 - Navigating through the Changing Cyber Security Landscape
時間:14:30 – 17:00
語言:Cantonese and English
費用:Free. (Registration is required.)
Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO)

In today’s rapidly changing digital landscape, latest technology advancements such as artificial intelligence and quantum computing will always have cyber security implications. Join us for the Cybersec Infohub Annual Professional Workshop 2023 on 15 Sep 2023 (Fri). The workshop aims to equip you with the knowledge and insights to stay ahead of the evolving cyber threats. It also offers you a valuable opportunity to network with speakers and industry professionals, and exchange ideas and experiences.
Please complete the e-registration form by 8 Sep 2023 (Fri).
You will receive the confirmation upon successful registration.
For more information please click here.