每週最愛保安閱讀 (2016年6月3日)
發佈日期: 2016年06月03日
943 觀看次數
每週最愛保安閱讀 (2016年6月3日)
《每週最愛保安閱讀》系列,每周分享我們最喜愛的五篇新聞或文章。希望你喜歡這個系列,也歡迎你通過電郵給我們 ([email protected]) 提意見。
- “Zcrypt” – the ransomware that’s also a computer virus (Sophos Naked Security, 2016-06-01, 英文)
- The 5Ws and 1H of Ransomware (Microsoft Malware Protection Center, 2016-05-18, 英文)
- Regular Backups Are the Best Defense Against Ransomware (The VAR Guy, 2016-05-27, 英文)
- Phishing Attacks Surged 250% in Q1 2016, Says New APWG Report (The State of Security, 2016-05-26, 英文)
- How Secure is Your Company’s Financial Data? (Fortinet, 2016-05-31, 英文)