


Investigators uncover crypto scammers baiting ‘phish’ hooks on YouTube

A report reveals a new network of malefactors in the lucrative crypto fraud market using videos, channels and web apps. The post Investigators uncover crypto scammers baiting ‘phish’ hooks on YouTube appeared first on TechRepublic.
TechRepublic 2023年02月16日 247 觀看次數

Massive AdSense Fraud Campaign Uncovered - 10,000+ WordPress Sites Infected

The threat actors behind the black hat redirect malware campaign have scaled up their campaign to use more than 70 bogus domains mimicking URL shorteners and infected over 10,800 websites.
The Hacker News 2023年02月15日 388 觀看次數

Apple fixes new WebKit zero-day exploited to hack iPhones, Macs

Apple has released emergency security updates to address a new zero-day vulnerability used in attacks to hack iPhones, iPads, and Macs. [...]
Bleepingcomputer 2023年02月14日 412 觀看次數

Windows 10 20H2 for Enterprise reaches end of service in May

Microsoft says Windows 10, version 20H2 for enterprise and education users will reach the end of service (EOS) in three months, on May 9, 2023. [...]
Bleepingcomputer 2023年02月14日 236 觀看次數

NameCheap's email hacked to send Metamask, DHL phishing emails

Domain registrar Namecheap had their email account breached Sunday night, causing a flood of MetaMask and DHL phishing emails that attempted to steal recipients' personal information and cryptocurrency wallets.
Bleepingcomputer 2023年02月13日 614 觀看次數

New ESXiArgs Ransomware Variant Emerges After CISA Releases Decryptor Tool

After the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) released a decryptor for affected victims to recover from ESXiArgs ransomware attacks, the threat actors have bounced back with an updated version that encrypts more data.
The Hacker News 2023年02月13日 299 觀看次數

Hackers breach Reddit to steal source code and internal data

Reddit suffered a cyberattack Sunday evening, allowing hackers to access internal business systems and steal internal documents and source code. [...]
Bleepingcomputer 2023年02月10日 246 觀看次數

Hackers use fake crypto job offers to push info-stealing malware

A campaign operated by Russian threat actors uses fake job offers to target Eastern Europeans working in the cryptocurrency industry, aiming to infect them with a modified version of the Stealerium malware named 'Enigma.' [...]
Bleepingcomputer 2023年02月10日 244 觀看次數

NewsPenguin Goes Phishing for Maritime & Military Secrets

A sophisticated cyber-espionage attack against high-value targets attending a maritime technology conference in Pakistan this weekend has been in the works since last year.
Dark Reading 2023年02月10日 301 觀看次數

CISA Releases Recovery Script for Victims of ESXiArgs Ransomware

The malware has affected thousands of VMware ESXi hypervisors in the last few days.
Dark Reading 2023年02月09日 289 觀看次數