If you haven't already killed Lotus Notes, IBM just gave you the perfect reason to do it now, fast
A Single-Character Message Can Crash Any Apple iPhone, iPad Or Mac
From tomorrow, Google Chrome will block crud ads. Here's how it'll work
Microsoft Won't Patch a Severe Skype Vulnerability Anytime Soon
Roses are red, Windows error screens are blue. It's 2018, and an email can still pwn you
Shock horror! Telegram messaging app proves insecure yet again!
Hackers Exploit 'Telegram Messenger' Zero-Day Flaw to Spread Malware
Still not on Windows 10? Fine, sighs Microsoft, here are its antivirus tools for Windows 7, 8.1
Thousands of Government Websites Hacked to Mine Cryptocurrencies
Until last week, you could pwn KDE Linux desktop with a USB stick