Security Blog
Favourite Security Reads of the Week (8 Jun 2012)
HKCERT is launching a new blog column "Favourite Security Reads of the Week". Each week we share five news or articles that we like. We hope you will love this column and we welcome your comment via email to [email protected]. Below...
Release Date: 8 Jun 2012
Change your LinkedIn password immediately
Reportedly around 6.5 million LinkedIn password hashes were leaked and posted on a Russian web site. LinkedIn has confirmed that some of the passwords were compromised and their security team is still investigating the root cause. Although the password hashes file do not include the corresponding...
Release Date: 7 Jun 2012
Do we need to worry about the `Flame´ malware?
Flame, also named Flamer and SkyWiper, has widely captured the media attention as it is believed that the malware is related to cyber warfare among nation states. Upon the analysis of the malware, it has low impact to the general public in Hong Kong. What...
Release Date: 1 Jun 2012
HKCERT launching its Mobile Apps
HKCERT mobile app is now available on both Apple Apps Store and Google Play. The app offers user one more way to access the latest security information through their mobile devices on the road. Features Access latest security bulletins and blogs issued by HKCERT anytime and ...
Release Date: 31 May 2012
HKCERT web site turns on IPv6 today
We are pleased to announce that our web site is now accessible over both IPv4 and IPv6. The content of the website is the same on both IPv4 and IPv6. The World IPv6 Launch on 6 June 2012 is a major milestone in the evolution of the Internet...
Release Date: 31 May 2012
Hacker group claimed to launch cyber attacks against large corporations
International hacker groups (including Lulzsec, Anonymous, etc.) often launch cyber attacks against large corporations and government websites to deny user access or to steal the user information on the website. Is Hong Kong immune to these attack? In early April of this year, ...
Release Date: 25 May 2012
A Milestone of HKCERT
The opening of the new HKCERT centre marks a milestone since our establishment in 2001. With more spaces and more funding support from the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer of the HKSAR, this centre will expand its service to handle smartphone and mobile device security incident...
Release Date: 26 Apr 2012
Flashback malware infecting hundreds of thousands of Mac computers
Once upon a time there was a myth like this “Mac OS is safe and does not need antivirus”. Today this myth has been challenged by the “Flashback” malware. According to a Russian security antivirus product provider, “Flashback” malware had infected more than...
Release Date: 17 Apr 2012
Anonymous threatened to make Internet Blackout 31 March 2012
When you read this article, you do not need to be a fortune teller to “predict” if an Internet blackout really occurred on 31 March 2012. Our analysis was that Anonymous’ intention to blackout the Internet via DDoS attack to DNS root servers would not...
Release Date: 2 Apr 2012
Windows Remote Desktop Vulnerability may be used to spread worms
Working exploits for a recent Windows vulnerability on Remote Desktop is publicly available on the Internet. This has lowered the technical hurdle for attackers to perform attacks. Some security researchers have warned that this vulnerability has potential to make a wide spreading worm. Users are...
Release Date: 20 Mar 2012