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Hacker group claimed to launch cyber attacks against large corporations

Release Date: 25 May 2012 3385 Views

International hacker groups (including Lulzsec, Anonymous, etc.) often launch cyber attacks against large corporations and government websites to deny user access or to steal the user information on the website. Is Hong Kong immune to these attack?


In early April of this year, a hacker group called “#TheWikiBoat " posted a message on Internet chat rooms (IRC) “” and the file sharing website “Pastebin” to convene the Internet users to participate a cyber attack operation called “Operation NewSon” on May 25. The target is more than 40 well known international corporations, which Including banking, retail, telecommunications, IT services etc. The goal of attack is to paralyze these sites for at least 2 hours and to leak the highly classification information in the site. They use IRC and Twitter to contact the participated internet users for the attack details.


Hong Kong is not immune to the attack


These large-scale cyber attacks usually only occurs in foreign organization in the past. This time we found that one of the target website server in the list was located in Hong Kong. After obtained the relevant information, Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Center (HKCERT) informed the affected organization immediately and reminded to prepare for the cyber attack.