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HKCERT web site turns on IPv6 today

Release Date: 31 May 2012 3527 Views

We are pleased to announce that our web site is now accessible over both IPv4 and IPv6. The content of the website is the same on both IPv4 and IPv6.


The World IPv6 Launch on 6 June 2012 is a major milestone in the evolution of the Internet. Major Internet service providers and web companies will permanently enable IPv6 for their products and services. It is expected that more companies will enable IPv6 after this date. If you have IPv6 turned on, you can access and on IPv6 now.


HKCERT is aware of the development of IPv6. We are able to provide our service to both IPv4 and IPv6 security incidents.


For your information, HKCERT will upgrade our network soon. In this enhancement project, we include “providing better resilience and performance for IPv6” into the objectives.




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