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Hong Kong Security Watch Report (Q2 2021)

Release Date: 30 Sep 2021 1920 Views

HKCERT is pleased to bring to you the "Hong Kong Security Watch Report" for the second quarter of 2021.


Nowadays, many networked digital devices, such as computers, smartphones, tablets, are being compromised without the user's knowledge. The data on them may be mined and exposed every day, and even be used for various criminal activities.


The Hong Kong Security Watch Report aims to raise public awareness of the problem of compromised systems in Hong Kong, enabling them to make better decision in information security. The data in this quarterly report focuses on the activities of compromised systems in Hong Kong which suffer from, or have participated in various types of cyber attacks, including web defacement, phishing, malware hosting, botnet command and control centres (C&C) or bots. "Computers in Hong Kong'' refer to those whose network geolocation is Hong Kong, or the top level domain of their host name is ".hk'' or “.香港”. 


Highlight of Report


In 2021 Q2, there were 7,191 unique security events related to Hong Kong used for analysis in this report. Data were collected through IFAS1 , and not collected from the incident reports received by HKCERT.


Trend of security events: 2021 Q2 had 7191 security events, 2021 Q1 had 5017 security events, 2020 Q4 had 5074 security events, 2020 Q3 had 6753 security events, 2020 Q2 had 13365 security events

Figure 1 –Trend of security events


There were 7,191 cyber security events in 2021 Q2, up 43% from 2021 Q1 (5,017 cases) (Figure 1). All the security events had recorded increases of around 34% to 61%, except Botnet (C2) event, which had remained zero. Although the number was around half that of the same quarter of the preceding year, it has risen again after having fallen for four consecutive quarters (Table 1).




Server related security events


Server related security events include malware hosting, phishing and defacement. Their trends and distributions are summarised below:


Trend and distribution of server related security events 

Figure 2 –Trend and distribution of server related security events



Event Type2020 Q22020 Q32020 Q42021 Q12021 Q2
Malware Hosting4,334934208

 Table 1–Trend and distribution of server related security events


There were 1,149 server related security events in this quarter, up 45% from 2021 Q1 (790 cases) (Figure 2). As shown in Table 2, the number of phishing sites increased 34%, from 495 sites in 2021 Q1 to 665 sites this quarter. The number of unique IP addresses involved in phishing sites had also increased ~64% to 226 (Figure 8), almost returning to the same level as 2020 Q2. However, the URL/IP ratio went down 18% from 3.59 in 2021 Q1 to 2.94 in 2021 Q2. It showed on average there were around 3 phishing sites per server (Figure 9). Of these phishing sites, 238 disguised themselves as one of the large online store or cloud service provider (e.g. hxxps://www[.]amazon[.]co-jp-aizmnoanm[.]xyz/, hxxp://amazon[.]storecool[.]cn). And 97 of them abused a free dynamic DNS service and added the name of victim organisation in URL or a well-known social media platform and instant messaging app (e.g. hxxps://dmbugmlbb[.]duckdns[.]org/login/facebook, hxxp://grup-whatsapp186[.]duckdns[.]org/). The hackers were believed to have crafted a fake group chat invitation link to trick the victims into providing sensitive information.


Among the top 10 top-level domain name of phishing sites, “.com” was the most used domain name, accounting for 31% of all phishing sites (Figure 3). “.cn” came second, up from 8% in 2021 Q1 to 23% in 2021 Q2, with “.org”, “.top” and “.xyz” rounding off the top five. Although some of the phishing sites did not use specific well-known top-level domains, they would have the domain name embedded in the text in the URL to trick careless victims, e.g. hxxps://ticxosw[.]cn/www[.]amazon[.]co[.]jp/



The most frequently used top-level domain of phishing sites 

Figure 3: The most frequently used top-level domain of phishing sites


The defacement events increased 61%, from 295 in 2021 Q1 to 476 in 2021 Q2, while the number of unique IP addresses involved rose by 11% from 215 to 239 (Figure 6). The unique URL/IP ratio also went up 45% from 1.37 to 1.99 (Figure 7). On average, there were 2 defacement events in each compromised server.


Among the compromised servers, the open source Nginx platform was the most targeted web server type (Figure 4). Although the version(s) was not known, it was believed that the servers were running an out-dated version as most of them were compromised by the malicious exploit of unpatched vulnerability. The latest two Nginx vulnerabilities were CVE-2017-20005 and CVE-2021-23017 published in June 2021, which affected versions before 1.13.6 and 0.6.18 – 1.20.0 respectively. Remote attackers may exploit these vulnerabilities to trigger remote code execution. The issue of the exploitation of known vulnerability was also observed in all other types of web server with a total of 172 servers suffering from it. Hackers would actively scan for unpatched systems through automated tool and exploit the vulnerabilities found. It showed the security risk of unpatched system was very high particularly for Internet-facing servers. Users are advised to set up a comprehensive patch management policy to cover system inventory and support period, regular vulnerability monitoring or scanning and patch testing and deployment.


The 2nd most frequently used attack technique was “File Inclusion”, a common developer mistake. This is mainly due to developers not validating users’ inputs, allowing hackers to execute code in the hacker-controlled path. Other methods include SQL Injection and brute force attack which can be mitigated by proper input validation and adoption of multi-factor authentication. Apart from outdated software, 21 servers were also running on the end-of-support Internet Information Services (IIS) versions 6.0 and 7.5. HKCERT urges owners of these servers to upgrade the operating systems or migrate to a supported version.


Distribution of web servers against compromise methods 

Figure 4: Distribution of operating systems in defacement events


For malware hosting, after no security events were observed in 2021 Q1, there were 8 in 2021 Q2, involving 4 IP addresses (Figure 10). The unique URL/IP ratio was 2 (Figure 11).



 HKCERT urges system and application administrators to strengthen the protection of servers

  • Patch server, web application and plugins up-to-date to avoid the known vulnerabilities being exploited
  • Follow best practice on user account and password management e.g. two factor authentication, change all default application passwords
  • Implement validation check for user input and system output
  • Use web application firewall
  • Perform penetration testing and vulnerability scanning on a regular basis
  • Perform regular backup



Botnet related security events


Botnet related security events can be classified into two categories:

  • Botnet Command and Control Centres (C&C) security events – involving a small number of powerful computers, mostly servers, which give commands to bots
  • Botnet security events - involving a large number of computers, mostly personal computers which receive commands from C&Cs.


Botnet Command and Control Servers

There was no Botnet Command and Control Centres (C&C) security events in this quarter.




Botnet Bots

The trend of botnet (bots) security events is summarised below:


Trend of Botnet (Bots) security events: 2021 Q2 had 6042 security events, 2021 Q1 had 4227 security events, 2020 Q4 had 4372 security events, 2020 Q3 had 4696 security events, 2020 Q2 had 5952 security events 

Figure 5 - Trend of Botnet (Bots) security events


The number of botnet (bots) events increased 42% from 4,227 in the last quarter to 6,042 in this quarter (Figure 5). Although the number of Mirai botnets continued to drop, falling by 24.3% from 2,264 events in 2021 Q1 to 1,713 this quarter, it still came top in the Major Botnet Families in Hong Kong Network. The 2nd and 3rd major botnet were Avalanche (1,702 events) and Nymaim (1,392 events), with both of them reporting the largest percentage rises of 266.8% and 559.7% respectively (Table 3).


Nymaim is a high risk trojan which has different variants. Originally designed as a malware downloader, it mainly targets Windows platform. Its most severe impact is that cyber criminals could use it to spread ransomware, one of the most devastating type of cyber attacks in recent years. HKCERT had issued various advisories over the years to remind users of the related security risks and precautionary measures. The latest publication analysed the multi-extortion techniques deployed by cyber criminals. Please visit for more information.



 HKCERT urges users to protect computers so as not to become part of the botnets.

  • Patch their computers
  • Install a working copy of the security software and scan for malware on their machines
  • Set strong passwords to avoid credential based attack
  • Do not use Windows, media files and software that have no proper licenses
  • Do not use Windows and software that have no security updates
  • Do not open files from unreliable sources


HKCERT has been following up the security events received and proactively engaged local ISPs for the botnet cleanup since June 2013. Currently, botnet cleanup operations against major botnet family Avalanche, Pushdo, Citadel, Ramnit, ZeroAccess, GameOver Zeus, VPNFilter and Mirai are still ongoing.
HKCERT urges general users to join the cleanup acts, ensuring their computers are not being infected and controlled by malicious software, and protecting their personal data for a cleaner cyberspace.



 Users can use the HKCERT guideline to detect and clean up botnets



Download Report


< Please click to download Hong Kong Security Watch Report >


1 IFAS  Information Feed Analysis System is a HKCERT developed system that collects global security intelligence relating to Hong Kong for analysis.

2 Refer to Appendix 1 for the Sources of Information

3 Shodan is a search engine for Internet-connected devices:





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