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Sun Solaris "snoop" Utility Remote Command Execution Vulnerability

Last Update Date: 28 Jan 2011 Release Date: 7 Aug 2008 4909 Views

RISK: Medium Risk

A vulnerability has been identified in Sun Solaris, which could be exploited by remote attackers to compromise a vulnerable system. This issue is caused by unspecified errors in the "snoop" network utility when displaying SMB traffic, which may allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary commands as the user "nobody" or possibly another local user.


  • Remote Code Execution

System / Technologies affected

  • Sun Solaris 10
  • Sun Solaris 9
  • Sun Solaris 8
  • Sun OpenSolaris builds snv_01 through snv_95


Before installation of the software, please visit the software manufacturer web-site for more details.

SPARC Platform

  • Sun Solaris 10 (SPARC) - Apply patch 138083-01
  • Sun Solaris 9 - Apply patch 112915-05
  • Sun Solaris 8 - Apply patch 108964-11
  • Sun OpenSolaris - Upgrade to build snv_96 or later

x86 Platform

  • Sun Solaris 10 (x86) - Apply patch 138084-01
  • Sun Solaris 9 (x86) - Apply patch 114262-04
  • Sun Solaris 8 (x86) - Apply patch 108965-11
  • Sun OpenSolaris - Upgrade to build snv_96 or later

Vulnerability Identifier


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