PHP Multiple Vulnerabilities
RISK: Medium Risk
Some vulnerabilities have been reported in PHP, where some have unknown impact and others can be exploited by malicious users to bypass certain security restrictions.
1) An integer overflow error exists in the "chunk_split()" function.
2) Integer overflow errors exists in the "strcspn()" and "strspn()" functions.
3) A regression error related to the "glob()" function exist, which can potentially be exploited to bypass the "open_basedir" directive.
4) An error exists within the handling of SQL queries containing "LOCAL INFILE" inside the MySQL extension. This can be exploited to bypass the "open_basedir" and "safe_mode" directives.
5) An error exists when processing "session_save_path" and "error_log" values, which can be exploited to bypass the "open_basedir" and "safe_mode" directives.
- Security Restriction Bypass
System / Technologies affected
- PHP versions prior to 4.4.8
Before installation of the software, please visit the software manufacturer web-site for more details.
Update to version 4.4.8.
Vulnerability Identifier
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