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Nokia Phones RealPlayer and MMS Viewer Memory Corruption Vulnerability

Last Update Date: 28 Jan 2011 Release Date: 9 Jul 2009 4902 Views

RISK: Medium Risk

Multiple vulnerabilities have been identified in various Nokia phones, which could be exploited by remote attackers to crash an affected application or compromise a vulnerable device. These issues are caused by memory corruption errors in the "rarender.dll", "STH264HWDecHwDevice.dll", "clntcore.dll", "HxMmfCtrl.dll", "mdfh264payloadformat.dll", "MMFDevSound.dll", and "ArmRV89Codec.dll" librairies when processing malformed media files embedded in MMS, which could be exploited to crash an affected application or potentially execute arbitrary code.


  • Remote Code Execution

System / Technologies affected

  • Nokia E61i
  • Nokia E71
  • Nokia N96


There is no patch available for this vulnerability currently.

Please do not open untrusted video files.

Vulnerability Identifier


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