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Network Time Protocol daemon (ntpd) Multiple Vulnerabilities

Last Update Date: 9 Apr 2015 Release Date: 8 Apr 2015 3215 Views

RISK: Medium Risk

TYPE: Servers - Other Servers

TYPE: Other Servers

Multiple vulnerabilities were identified in ntpd, which could be exploited by a remote user to cause denial of service conditions and bypass authentication on the target system.

  1. A remote user with knowledge of a symmetric association between two hosts can periodically send a specially crafted packet to one host of the symmetric association to cause both hosts to fail to synchronize.
  2. When configured for symmetric key authentication, the system accepts packets that do not contain a message authentication code (MAC) as valid packets. A remote user with the ability to conduct a man-in-the-middle attack can send a specially crafted spoofed packet that does not contain a MAC value to bypass authentication. Authentication using autokey is not affected.



  • Denial of Service
  • Security Restriction Bypass

System / Technologies affected

  • Versions prior to 4.2.8p2



Before installation of the software, please visit the software manufacturer web-site for more details.

  • The vendor has issued a fix (4.2.8p2, 4.3.14).

Vulnerability Identifier


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