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Mozilla Firefox PDF Viewer Same-Origin Bypass Vulnerability

Last Update Date: 10 Aug 2015 09:30 Release Date: 10 Aug 2015 3265 Views

RISK: High Risk

TYPE: Clients - Browsers

TYPE: Browsers

A vulnerability was identified in Mozilla Firefox. A remote user can obtain files from the target user's system.


A remote user can create specially crafted content that, when loaded by the target user, will bypass same-origin policy and inject arbitrary JavaScript into the built-in PDF Viewer in the local file context and gain access to files on the target user's system with the privileges of the target user.


NOTE: This vulnerability is being actively exploited.


  • Security Restriction Bypass

System / Technologies affected

  • prior to 39.0.3


Before installation of the software, please visit the software manufacturer web-site for more details.

  • The vendor has issued a fix (39.0.3, ESR 38.1.1).

Vulnerability Identifier


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