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Microsoft Windows Server Message Block SMBv3 Denial of Service Vulnerability

Last Update Date: 10 Feb 2017 Release Date: 3 Feb 2017 3259 Views

RISK: High Risk

TYPE: Operating Systems - Windows OS

TYPE: Windows OS

Microsoft Windows contains a memory corruption bug in the handling of SMB traffic, which may allow a remote, unauthenticated attacker to cause a denial of service or potentially execute arbitrary code on a vulnerable system.


Note: Exploit code for this vulnerability is publicly available.

Note: No official solution is currently available.


  • Denial of Service
  • Remote Code Execution

System / Technologies affected

  • Microsoft Windows 8
  • Microsoft Windows 10
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2016


  • No official solution is currently available.
  • Workaround:
    • Consider blocking outbound SMB connections (TCP ports 139 and 445 along with UDP ports 137 and 138) from the local network to the WAN.
    • Please make sure those ports are not used by other services before applying
    • This workaound cannot prevent LAN based attacks.

Vulnerability Identifier


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