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Microsoft Windows NTLM Information Disclosure Vulnerability

Last Update Date: 14 Apr 2015 10:14 Release Date: 14 Apr 2015 3485 Views

RISK: Medium Risk

TYPE: Operating Systems - Windows OS

TYPE: Windows OS

Many software products use HTTP requests for various features such as software update checking. A malicious user can intercept such requests (such as with a MITM proxy) and use HTTP Redirect to redirect the victim a malicious SMB server. If the redirect is a file:// URL and the victim is running Microsoft Windows, Windows will automatically attempt to authenticate to the malicious SMB server by providing the victim's user credentials to the server. These credentials can then be logged by the malicious server. The credentials are encrypted, but may be "brute-forced" to break the encryption.


  • Information Disclosure

System / Technologies affected

  •  Microsoft Windows


Before installation of the software, please visit the software manufacturer web-site for more details.


NOTE: There is no patch available for this vulnerability.



  • Block outbound SMB
  • Update NTLM group policy
  • Do not use NTLM for authentication by default in applications
  • Use a strong password and change passwords frequently

More detail:

Vulnerability Identifier

  • No CVE information is available


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