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Microsoft ASP.NET Hash Table Collision Denail of Service Vulnerability

Last Update Date: 30 Dec 2011 Release Date: 29 Dec 2011 5170 Views

RISK: High Risk

TYPE: Servers - Internet App Servers

TYPE: Internet App Servers

A vulnerability has been identified in Microsoft ASP.NET. which can be exploited by malicious user to cause denial of service.

A remote user can send specially crafted posts to cause significant performance degradation on the target server.
The vulnerability occurs due to the way that ASP.NET processes values in an ASP.NET form post that causes a hash collision.


  • Denial of Service

System / Technologies affected

  • Microsoft ASP.NET  1.1 SP1 and prior
  • Microsoft ASP.NET  2.0 SP2 and prior
  • Microsoft ASP.NET  3.5 SP1 and prior
  • Microsoft ASP.NET  4


Before installation of the software, please visit the software manufacturer web-site for more details.

Vulnerability Identifier


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