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Stay alert with rising cyber security threats

Release Date: 10 Jan 2012 3598 Views


Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Centre (HKCERT) published a record high 343 vulnerabilities alerts in 2011, a surge of 11.4% from 308 in 2010. HKCERT also noted more than 10 enquiries on smart phone hacking. The total number of security incidents reported has dropped 10% from 2010, with hacking topped the list, followed by phishing and virus reports.


Centre Manager Roy Ko points out that information security incidents are rising with widespread use of smart phones, tablet PCs, and cloud technologies. He advises the public to keep up the vigilance when using smart phones and cloud computing services. Users should install antivirus programmes and not to store too much personal data and passwords in their mobile devices. They should also regularly update their information security systems.