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Fake HKCERT Social Media Account on Sina Weibo

Release Date: 1 Aug 2011 4884 Views

The Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Centre, managed by the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC), today (1 August 2011) alerted businesses and members of the public of a fake HKCERT account on Sina Weibo (“”).

Mr Roy Ko, Manager of HKCERT, said, “HKCERT has no connection with the fake account at all. The only official domain name of HKCERT is ‘’. We do not have any official presence, nor authorize any organizations and persons to represent us, in social media channels, including Sina Weibo. At present, HKCERT can only be contacted over the internet through the ‘Contact Us’ page of its official website (”

Apart from bearing the name of HKCERT, the fake account also uses the official logo and website link of the Centre. HKCERT has reported this identity theft case to Sina Weibo and requested the closure of the account.

Anyone who has come across fake HKCERT social media accounts or websites should immediately report to HKCERT at tel: (852) 8105 6060 or email: [email protected].

1 August 2011