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Beware of Scam Email Impersonating HKCERT with Malware Attachment

Release Date: 25 Jan 2013 2794 Views

The Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Centre (HKCERT) today (25 January 2013) alerted businesses and members of the public of a scam email impersonating HKCERT with malware attachment sent by the email address: [email protected].


Mr S C Leung, Senior Consultant of HKPC, said, “HKCERT has never sent alert emails on behalf of ‘[email protected]’. Our official email address is [email protected]. We do not attach any patches or executable files in any alert emails.”


“In our alert emails, we will only provide links of our security bulletins at the HKCERT website, which is protected by SSL. Computer users can verify the digital certificate by double clicking the ‘pad lock’ of the website. Our alert emails are PGP signed. Users can find our PGP key on,” he added.


Anyone who has come across scam emails impersonating HKCERT should not open the emails, and immediately report to HKCERT at tel: (852) 8105 6060 or email: [email protected].


For more details about the scam email, please go to /my_url/en/blog/13012501.