Cyber Threat Intelligence Training Series

Nowadays, cyber threats are evolving in volume, sophistication and impact, making it harder for internal security teams to detect and address advanced threats around the clock. Apart from making use of existing cyber security defense solutions, Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) is widely adopted in many organisations, not only to defend organisations in case of threats but also to stop its spreading!
The primary aim of this training series is to trigger structured analytical thinking based on the security skillset that professionals already have. Apart from theory, many hands-on lessons are included,so the participants will have plenty of chances to get their hands dirty by utilising both open source and commercialy tools, such as OSINT, MISP, Autopsy, YARA, Cuckoo Sandbox, Kibana, Grafana, R language, and many more!
Case study on worldwide well-known cyber incidents will also be covered to ensure the participants understand why they happened, and most importantly, to apply what they have learnt in class!
Seats are limited, so please register now! Early bird will enjoy up to HK$1,000 discount!
For registration, please click here to download the registration form.
Release Date: 3 Sep 2019
Date:6 Jan 2020 - 10 Jan 2020
Time: 09:00 - 18:00
Venue: HKPC Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon
Organizer: Hong Kong Productivity Council
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