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HKPC Urges Enterprises to Adopt "Security by Design" to Sharpen IT Security

Release Date: 22 Jan 2019 4082 Views


The Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) today urged enterprises to adopt “security by design” in IT security to stem data breaches and fend off cyber attacks targeting personal and financial data.


HKPC issued the advice after its Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Centre (HKCERT) reported a 55% year-on-year rise in security incident reports received in 2018, totalling 10,081. For the second successive year, Botnet cases (3,783 cases or 37%) saw the biggest surge, rising by 82%, with Malware (3,181 cases or 32%) and Phishing websites (2,101 cases or 21%) the other principal sources of the reports.


For details, please refer to: /my_url/en/articles/19012201








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Mr Wilson Wong, General Manager (Information Technology) (left), and Mr Leung Siu-Cheong, Senior Consultant, Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Centre of HKPC, report on the information security situation in Hong Kong in 2018, and introduce the upcoming trends and preventive measures to brace businesses and the community for possible security threats at the media briefing on Hong Kong Information Security Outlook 2019


Hong Kong, 22 January 2019