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Favourite Security Reads of the Week (9 Jan 2015)

Release Date: 9 Jan 2015 1082 Views


Favourite Security Reads of the Week (9 Jan 2015)


"Favourite Security Reads of the Week". Each week we share five news or articles that we like. We hope you will love this column and we welcome your comment via email to [email protected].


Below is the Favourite Security Reads of this Week.


  1. How NOT To Be The Next Sony: Defending Against Destructive Attacks (Dark Reading, 8 Jan 2015)
  2. New Emomet Variant Targets Banking, Email Credentials (ThreatPost, 7 Jan 2015)
  3. Thieves Jackpot ATMs With ‘Black Box’ Attack (KrebsonSecurity, 6 Jan 2015)
  4. The Biggest Security Threats We’ll Face in 2015 (Wired, 4 Jan 2015)
  5. Cat and Mouse: Web Attacks Increasingly Sidestep WAF Protections (The Security Ledger, 31 Dec 2014)