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Favourite Security Reads of the Week (8 Sep 2017)

Release Date: 8 Sep 2017 1546 Views


Favourite Security Reads of the Week (8 Sep 2017) .


"Favourite Security Reads of the Week". Each week we share five news or articles that we like. We hope you will love this column and we welcome your comment via email to [email protected].


Below is the Favourite Security Reads of this Week.


  1. 即時通訊軟件存風險 勿傳私隱 (Written by HKCERT on Hong Kong Economic Times, 2017-09-01, Chinese)
  2. 啟動拒絕網上追蹤功能 保私隱 (Written by HKCERT on Hong Kong Economic Times, 2017-08-25, Chinese)
  3. From Mirai To Persirai — The Metamorphosis Of An Open Source Botnet (Imperva, 2017-09-05)
  4. Living Securely in a Digital World (Fortinet, 2017-09-01)
  5. Intro to Securing an Online Store (Sucuri, 2017-09-01)
  6. Online file conversion services – why trust them? (Sophos Naked Security, 2017-09-01)
  7. Cyber Insurance: Should You Get It? (Wordfence, 2017-09-05)