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Favourite Security Reads of the Week (7 Jun 2013)

Release Date: 7 Jun 2013 2809 Views



Favourite Security Reads of the Week (7 Jun 2013)


"Favourite Security Reads of the Week". Each week we share five news or articles that we like. We hope you will love this column and we welcome your comment via email to [email protected].


Below is the Favourite Security Reads of this Week.


1.Computer experts race against the clock to thwart Citadel virus in Hong Kong (South China Morning Post, 7 Jun 2013)

   [Editor: You may refer to this latest HKCERT blog - HKCERT joins with Microsoft and law enforcement to disrupt the Citadel botnet]


 2.暗藏ROM中! 大陸山寨手機暗地刷榜 (商智謀略, 3 Jun 2013, Chinese)


3.How Hackers Stole $45 Million in Two Days[Infographic] (Mashable, 25 May 2013)


4.AusCERT 2013: Companies unaware of IPv6 security risk even if they’re not using it

   (CSO Online (Australia), 24 May 2013)


5.Two-factor authentication: What you need to know (FAQ) (CNET, 23 May 2013)