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Favourite Security Reads of the Week (17 April 2015)

Release Date: 17 Apr 2015 1373 Views


Favourite Security Reads of the Week (17 April 2015)


"Favourite Security Reads of the Week". Each week we share five news or articles that we like. We hope you will love this column and we welcome your comment via email to [email protected].


Below is the Favourite Security Reads of this Week.


  1. Drive-by-login attack identified and used in lieu of spear phishing campaigns (SC Magazine, 2015-04-07)
  2. Baby cam plays creepy music, moves of its own accord (Naked Security, 2015-04-08)
  3. Malware with a Fake Thumbnail Preview (JPCERT/CC, 2015-04-10)
  4. Like a Nesting Doll, Vawtrak Malware Has Many Layers (Threatpost, 2015-01-20)
  5. New malware program Punkey targets point-of-sale systems (PCWorld, 2015-04-16)