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Favourite Security Reads of the Fortnight (21 Dec 2018)

Release Date: 21 Dec 2018 3420 Views


Favourite Security Reads of the Fortnight (21 Dec 2018) .


"Favourite Security Reads of the Fortnight". Every two weeks we share news or articles that we like. We hope you will love this column and we welcome your comment via email to [email protected].


Below is the favourite security reads of this fortnight.


Articles that we like: 

  1. How Well Is Your Organization Investing Its Cybersecurity Dollars? (Dark Reading, 2018-12-11)
  2. After-hours scams in a consumer world – why should IT leadership care? (NTT Security, 2018-12-13)
  3. Naughty or Nice Websites (Securi Blog, 2018-12-14)
  4. Why email phishing persists (GCN, 2018-12-17)
  5. Time: An Attacker’s Best Friend (Info Security, 2018-12-20)