Security News
Google收集手機戶語音搜尋紀錄 資料易外洩
【提防假冒】假網站冒充超市發問卷 $500禮券誘網民提供個人資料
Microsoft warns of worm ransomware, finds fix in Windows 10 upgrade
CERT warns of hardcoded creds in medical app
SWIFT finally pushes two-factor auth in banks – it only took several multimillion-dollar thefts
Celebrity hacker Guccifer's confession gives us all a lesson in security
Japan on Olympic hacking mission to test utilities, trains, telcos
Reddit resets more than 100K user passwords - CNET
Up to a dozen banks are reportedly investigating potential SWIFT breaches
盜用戶口案激增 目標創板股 首5月22宗 交易額至少4600萬