Security News
Dido Harding received £2.81m in pay despite TalkTalk losing £60m in cyber attack
Ransomware scum build weapon from JavaScript
Patch Tuesday: Microsoft issues five critical fixes covering IE, Edge and Office
Finger pointed at web browsers over password mega-leaks
Why does an Android keyboard need to see your camera and log files – and why does it phone home to China?
DNS security can be improved with cookies, suggest IETF boffins
You've got a patch, you've got a patch ... almost every Android device has a patch
新加密勒索軟件「CryptXXX」襲港 上月爆32宗個案 受害者需繳比特幣換解密匙 (21:10)
CryptXXX ransomware improves security, GUI, slurps Cisco creds
New Android tricks for modern malware licks