Security News
It's 4PM on Friday, almost time to log off and, oh look, Disqus says it's been hacked
Microsoft silently fixes security holes in Windows 10 – dumps Win 7, 8 out in the cold
Dumb bug of the week: Apple's macOS reveals your encrypted drive's password in the hint box
RAM, bam, awww ... man! Boffins defeat Rowhammer protections
Oath-my-God: THREE! BILLION! Yahoo! accounts! hacked! in! 2013! – not! 'just!' 1bn!
Patch your WordPress plugins: Scum are right now hijacking blogs
Dnsmasq and the seven flaws: Patch these nasty remote-control holes
Equifax couldn't find or patch vulnerable Struts implementations
Patch your Android, peeps, it has up to 14 nasty flaws to flog
Java security plagued by crappy docs, complex APIs, bad advice