Security News
Meltdown/Spectre fixes made AWS CPUs cry, says SolarWinds
Oracle still silent on Meltdown, but lists patches for x86 servers among 233 new fixes
堵Intel漏洞 微軟:會拖慢電腦
Attention, vSphere VDP backup admins: There is a little remote root hole you need to patch...
iCloud內地服務交國企 有權披露私隱刪內容
WhatsApp Flaw Could Allow 'Potential Attackers' to Spy On Encrypted Group Chats
CPU bug patch saga: Antivirus tools caught with their hands in the Windows cookie jar
Facebook has open-sourced encrypted group chat
Ghostery, uBlock lead the anti-track pack
IBM’s complete Meltdown fix won’t land until mid-February