Security News
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Magecart fiends punch card-skimming code in Sotheby's Home website
Someone Hacked 50,000 Printers to Promote PewDiePie YouTube Channel
Warning: Malware, rogue users can spy on some apps' HTTPS crypto – by whipping them with a CAT o' nine TLS
個人資料外泄事故頻生 公眾「人肉防火牆」自保
萬豪資料庫遭入侵 洩五億人私隱
500 Million Marriott Guest Records Stolen in Starwood Data Breach
Big Blue shoos Db2 blues before rogue staff turn the screws in hijack ruse (translation: patch your IBM databases)
Here are another 45,000 reasons to patch Windows systems against old NSA exploits
Dell Resets All Customers' Passwords After Potential Security Breach