Security News
Hackers don't just want to pwn networks, they literally want to OWN your network – and no one knows they're there
VMware emits security alerts, Planet Hollywood chain hacked, SWAT death caller gets 20 years in clink, and more
Critical Magento SQL Injection Vulnerability Discovered – Patch Your Sites
Here's the List of ~600 MAC Addresses Targeted in Recent ASUS Hack
Huge news from Apple: No, not mags, games or TV – more than 50 security bugs to patch
Spyware sneaks into 'million-ish' Asus PCs via poisoned software updates, says Kaspersky
Security storm brewing for Oracle Java-powered smart cards: More than a dirty dozen flaws found, fixes... er, any fixes?
Facebook Mistakenly Stored Millions of Users' Passwords in Plaintext
Medtronic's Implantable Defibrillators Vulnerable to Life-Threatening Hacks
Renegade Android apps can siphon off your web logins, browser history. So make sure Chrome or OS is patched, friends