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Urgent Apple iOS and macOS Updates Released to Fix Actively Exploited Zero-Days

Apple on Thursday released security updates to fix multiple security vulnerabilities in older versions of iOS and macOS that it says have been detected in exploits in the wild, in addition to expanding patches for a previously plugged security weakness abused by NSO Group'...
The Hacker News 25 Sep 2021 14719 Views

Urgent Chrome Update Released to Patch Actively Exploited Zero-Day Vulnerability

Google on Friday rolled out an emergency security patch to its Chrome web browser to address a security flaw that's known to have an exploit in the wild. Tracked as CVE-2021-37973, the vulnerability has been described as use after free...
The Hacker News 25 Sep 2021 14080 Views

100M IoT Devices Exposed By Zero-Day Bug

A high-severity vulnerability could cause system crashes, knocking out sensors, medical equipment and more.
Threatpost 24 Sep 2021 402 Views

A New Bug in Microsoft Windows Could Let Hackers Easily Install a Rootkit

Security researchers have disclosed an unpatched weakness in Microsoft Windows Platform Binary Table (WPBT) affecting all Windows-based devices since Windows 8 that could be potentially exploited to install a rootkit and compromise the integrity of devices. "These flaws make every Windows system vulnerable to easily...
The Hacker News 24 Sep 2021 11881 Views

Confluence Code Exec Flaw Being Used By Crypto Miners

Packet Storm 23 Sep 2021 20886 Views

High-Severity RCE Flaw Disclosed in Several Netgear Router Models

Networking equipment company Netgear has released patches to remediate a high-severity remote code execution vulnerability affecting multiple routers that could be exploited by remote attackers to take control of an affected system. <!--adsense--> Traced as CVE-2021-40847 (CVSS score: 8...
The Hacker News 22 Sep 2021 12427 Views

Microsoft Warns of a Wide-Scale Phishing-as-a-Service Operation

Microsoft has opened the lid on a large-scale phishing-as-a-service (PHaaS) operation that's involved in selling phishing kits and email templates as well as providing hosting and automated services at a low cost, thus enabling cyber actors to...
The Hacker News 22 Sep 2021 12592 Views

More than 1 in 3 people have tried to guess someone else's password: 3 in 4 succeed

According to a new study, one in 10 people believe someone could guess their password by looking through their social media.
ZDnet 22 Sep 2021 649 Views

Bitdefender releases universal decryptor for REvil/Sodinokibi victims hit before July 13

Bitdefender's Bogdan Botezatu said they have tested the tool against recent attacks and found that it cannot yet decrypt attacks after the July 13 date.
ZDnet 17 Sep 2021 614 Views

CISA, FBI: State-Backed APTs May Be Exploiting Critical Zoho Bug

The newly identified bug in a Zoho single sign-on and password management tool has been under active attack since early August.
Threatpost 17 Sep 2021 484 Views