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Security Bulletin

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RISK: High Risk

High Risk

Adobe Reader / Acrobat Multiple Vulnerabilities

Multiple vulnerabilities have been identified in Adobe Reader and Acrobat, which can be exploited by malicious people to compromise a user's system.Two unspecified errors can be exploited to corrupt memory.A use-after-free error can be exploited to dereference already freed...
Last Update Date: 15 Jan 2014 12:32 Release Date: 15 Jan 2014 3201 Views

RISK: High Risk

High Risk

Adobe Flash Player / AIR Security Bypass Vulnerability

A vulnerability has been identified in Adobe Flash Player and Adobe AIR, which can be exploited by malicious people to bypass certain security restrictions. The vulnerability is caused due to an unspecified error and can be exploited to bypass certain security protections. Additionally a weakness exists, ...
Last Update Date: 15 Jan 2014 12:31 Release Date: 15 Jan 2014 3253 Views

RISK: High Risk

High Risk

Oracle Products Multiple vulnerabilities

Multiple vulnerabilities have been identified in various Oracle products and components, which could be exploited by attackers to denial of service, escalation of privilege, remote code execution and sensitive information disclosure.
Last Update Date: 15 Jan 2014 12:28 Release Date: 15 Jan 2014 3281 Views

RISK: High Risk

High Risk

Google Chrome Multiple Vulnerabilities

Multiple vulnerabilities have been identified in Google Chrome, which can be exploited by malicious people to conduct spoofing attacks, bypass certain security restrictions, and compromise a user's system. A use-after-free error exists within web workers. A use-after...
Last Update Date: 15 Jan 2014 11:02 Release Date: 15 Jan 2014 3119 Views

RISK: Medium Risk

Medium Risk

ISC BIND Denial of Service Vulnerability

A vulnerability has been identified in ISC BIND, which can be exploited by a remote user to cause denial of service (DoS) conditions.   A remote user can send a specially crafted query to an authoritative nameserver serving NSEC3-signed zones to cause the BIND service...
Last Update Date: 15 Jan 2014 Release Date: 14 Jan 2014 3150 Views

RISK: Medium Risk

Medium Risk

Symantec Endpoint Protection Elevated Privilege Vulnerabilities

Multiple vulnerabilities have been identified in Symantec Endpoint Protection, which can be exploited by local user obtain elevated privileges on the vulnerable system.A local user can exploit an authentication flaw in the Management Console to gain the privileges of another user.A local user can bypass...
Last Update Date: 13 Jan 2014 15:31 Release Date: 13 Jan 2014 3250 Views

RISK: Medium Risk

Medium Risk

Schneider Electric PACiS SUI WebHMI "SetActiveXGUID" Buffer Overflow Vulnerability

A vulnerability has been identified in Schneider Electric PACiS SUI, which can be exploited by malicious people to compromise a user's system.
Last Update Date: 10 Jan 2014 Release Date: 9 Jan 2014 3248 Views

RISK: Medium Risk

Medium Risk

Cisco NX-OS BGP Update Message Processing Vulnerability

A vulnerability has been identified in Cisco NX-OS. A remote user can cause denial of service conditions.   A remote user can send specially crafted BGP update data to cause all BGP sessions on the target device (configured with a VPNv4, VPNv6, or IPv6...
Last Update Date: 10 Jan 2014 Release Date: 9 Jan 2014 3124 Views

RISK: Medium Risk

Medium Risk

OpenSSL TLS Handshake Null Pointer Exception Vulnerability

A vulnerability has been identified in OpenSSL. A remote user can cause denial of service conditions.   A remote server can send specially crafted TLS handshake data to trigger a null pointer exception and cause the target client to crash.
Last Update Date: 8 Jan 2014 17:40 Release Date: 8 Jan 2014 3251 Views

RISK: High Risk

High Risk

Linksys Router Authentication Bypass Backdoor Vulnerability

A vulnerability has been identified in several Linksys Routers, which can be exploited by remote user can gain administrative access.A remote user can send specially crafted data to TCP port 32764 to execute commands on the target system with administrative privileges. Note: Vulnerability has no...
Last Update Date: 6 Jan 2014 12:33 Release Date: 6 Jan 2014 3885 Views