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Security Bulletin

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RISK: High Risk

High Risk

Apple Products Multiple Vulnerabilities

Multiple vulnerabilities were identified in Apple watchOS, Xcode and iOS, which could lead to remote code execution and information disclosure.
Last Update Date: 22 Sep 2016 Release Date: 14 Sep 2016 3261 Views

RISK: High Risk

High Risk

Apple Products Multiple Vulnerabilities

Multiple vulnerabilities were identified in macOS Server, macOS/ OS X, Safari and tvOS. Exploitation of one of these vulnerabilities may allow a remote attacker to take control of an affected system.
Last Update Date: 22 Sep 2016 Release Date: 21 Sep 2016 3298 Views

RISK: High Risk

High Risk

Symantec Products Multiple Vulnerabilties

Multiple vulnerabilities were identified in Symantec Products. A remote user can cause denial of service conditions on the target application.
Last Update Date: 22 Sep 2016 Release Date: 21 Sep 2016 3200 Views

RISK: High Risk

High Risk

Mozilla Firefox Multiple Vulnerabilities

Multiple vulnerabilities have been identified in Firefox. Exploitation of some of these vulnerabilities may allow a remote attacker to take control of an affected system.
Last Update Date: 21 Sep 2016 15:17 Release Date: 21 Sep 2016 3381 Views

RISK: Medium Risk

Medium Risk

PHP Multiple Vulnerabilities

Multiple vulnerabilities were identified in PHP, which could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on the target system.
Last Update Date: 19 Sep 2016 10:32 Release Date: 19 Sep 2016 3007 Views

RISK: Medium Risk

Medium Risk

VMware Workstation Pro and Player Multiple Vulnerability

 Multiple vulnerabilities were identified in VMware Workstation Pro and VMware Workstation Player. A local user on the guest system can gain elevated privileges on the host system. A local user on the host system can obtain elevated privileges on the host system.
Last Update Date: 15 Sep 2016 09:57 Release Date: 15 Sep 2016 3303 Views

RISK: Medium Risk

Medium Risk

Google Chrome Multiple Vulnerabilities

 Multiple vulnerabilities were identified in Google Chrome. Exploitation of some of these vulnerabilities may allow an attacker to take control of an affected system.
Last Update Date: 15 Sep 2016 09:57 Release Date: 15 Sep 2016 3080 Views

RISK: High Risk

High Risk

Adobe Monthly Security Update (Sep 2016)

Adobe has released monthly security update for their products:   Vulnerable Product Severity Impacts Notes Details (including CVE) Flash Player Highly Critical Remote Code ExecutionDenial of Service   APSB16-29   Number of 'Extremely Critical' product(s): ...
Last Update Date: 14 Sep 2016 12:16 Release Date: 14 Sep 2016 3264 Views

RISK: Extremely High Risk

Extremely High Risk

Microsoft Monthly Security Update (Sep 2016)

Microsoft has released monthly security update for their products:   Vulnerable Product Severity Impacts Notes Details (including CVE) Internet Explorer Extremely Critical Remote Code ExecutionInformation DisclosureElevation of PrivilegeSecurity Restriction Bypass Scattered Exploits MS16-104 Edge Extremely Critical...
Last Update Date: 14 Sep 2016 12:16 Release Date: 14 Sep 2016 3548 Views

RISK: High Risk

High Risk

MySQL Elevation Of Privilege Vulnerability

A vulnerability was identified in MySQL, a remote authenticated user can exploit this vulnerability to elevate privilege and perform remote code execution on the targeted system.Note: limited Proof Of Concept Exploit Code is available.
Last Update Date: 13 Sep 2016 10:00 Release Date: 13 Sep 2016 3311 Views