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Be careful new suspected malicious program spreading via Facebook Messenger

Release Date: 25 Aug 2017 3130 Views

We noticed that a suspected malicious program is widely spreading via Facebook Messenger, when you receive the message contains "David Video" and a short URL you have to be careful, it may be a malicious program Web site.


Image Source: Kaspersky Labs


When you click this short URL, you will be redirect to a Google doc that pretend to be a video player, when you press “play” then depend on user system and browser, three different situations may appear:

  1. Need you to install the Chrome extension
  2. Need you to install the Flash Player update
  3. Need you to install OSX .dmg executable file

According to Kaspersky Labs, at this stage, we did not find any malicious programs and exploits. But we also call on everyone to take caution, do not try to open the link, because we do not know when the attacker will put in malicious program or exploits content.

