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New Format for Monthly Security Updates Security Bulletin

Release Date: 29 Jul 2016 1693 Views

In order to better convey the information of monthly security updates of multiple vulnerabilities of certain service providers like Microsoft, Adobe and Oracle, HKCERT is to fine-tune the format of the related security bulletins. Here are the major changes: 

  1. Instead of showing each product in an individual security bulletin, they are consolidated into a single one, so that it is easier to review the whole list of affected products.
  2. The products will be listed in a table ordered by its severity, with the impacts and remarks (e.g. exploits in the wild).
  3. A reference link to the vendor's vulnerability note is provided for individual product. You can find the detailed information and CVE ID from the link.

  4. A summary of impacts and affected product versions are showed below the table.

  5. When a security bulletin has multiple products, its severity level is taken from the highest severity level of all the listed products.

The new format will be effective from 1 August 2016. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to let us know by email to [email protected].