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Install an Anti-theft security tool on your Android phone

Release Date: 23 Nov 2012 5334 Views

In our previous articles "What if you lose your iPhone? Use of Find my iPhone service", we discussed the security problem and solution of a lost or stolen Apple iOS's devices. In this article, we will continue to share the anti-theft security feature on Android phone.


Android does not come with a built-in "Find my phone" function. You can install some anti-theft security applications to mitigate the security risk raised by a lost or stolen phone. In Google Play, you can find security applications with a wide range of security functions, such as anti-malware, security browsing and network monitoring. Some of the applications provide a feature like "Find my phone" or "Anti-theft". These applications can reduce the security risk and protect your information when your Android phone is lost or stolen.


Basically, the protection features of Android security applications and Apple's "Find my iPhone" are quite similar . They both offer "Find my phone", "Sound an alarm", "Lock the device" and "Remote wipe" functions. Unlike Apple's "Find my iPhone" application, which receive remote command via the Internet, Android security applications receive remote commands via two channels.


1) Receiving remote commands via the Internet connection

2) Receiving remote commands via SMS


1) Receiving remote commands via the Internet


After the installation, user is required to register an account on the vendor's mobile phone tracking system. Also, user has to activate the application's account as a Device Admin. Without this permission, security application cannot execute system commands, such as "Erase all the data", "Lock screen", etc.


Fig 1. User is required to register the service and activate the device administrator option after installation Fig 1. User is required to register the service and activate the device administrator option after installation

Fig 1. User is required to register the service and activate the device administrator option after installation


After finishing the configuration, user can login to the vendor's mobile phone tracking website to track the phone. Besides of mobile phone tracking, the security application also provides "Lock the device", "Sound an alarm" and "Remote wipe" features.


Fig 2. Locating the phone on the map

Fig 2. Locating the phone on the map



Fig 3. Performing the Remote device lock function in the system

Fig 3. Performing the "Remote device lock" function in the system


Fig 4. Device is locked remotely

Fig 4. Device is locked remotely


Fig 5. System provides a Remote wipe function

Fig 5. System provides a "Remote wipe" function


Note: To use this type of anti-theft security applications, the phone must be online. It is more suitable for the phone with mobile data network. The following free applications provide anti-theft protection and receiving remote commands via Internet.


- avast! Mobile Security

avast QR Code


- Avira Free Android Security

Avira QR Code 


- TrustGo Antivirus

TrustGo QR Code



2) Receiving remote commands via SMS


This type of anti-theft security applications can receive remote command via SMS and it provides "Find my phone", "Lock the device", "Sound an alarm" and "Remote wipe" features.


Fig 6. Security applications prompt a message. Insert a SIM card to activate the service

Fig 6. Security applications prompt a message. Insert a SIM card to activate the service.


If the phone is lost or stolen, user can send a SMS command to the lost phone through another phone number or a registered phone number. The SMS contains a command which is specified by the installed security application, like wipe#lock_password (wiping device command). When the lost phone receives the SMS command, the anti-theft security application will execute the action immediately to prevent the information in the phone from being theft and misappropriated.


Fig 7. Remote commands in different applications Fig 7. Remote commands in different applications

Fig 7. Remote commands in different applications


Note: This type of anti-theft applications requires mobile network connection to operate. The following free applications provide anti-theft protection and receiving remote commands via SMS.


- avast! Mobile Security

avast QR Code


- Comodo Anti Theft Free

Comodo QR Code


- Sophos Mobile Security

Sophos QR Code


Anti-theft protection provided by handset manufacturers


Apart from the above anti-theft security applications, some mobile phone manufacturers also provide free anti-theft services, such as Samsung's SamsungDive and HTC's HTCSense. Users can enjoy this free anti-theft service by registering an account on the handset manufacturer's mobile phone tracking system. For more detail, please refer to:


- HTCSense:

- SamsungDive:


Fig 8. Mobile phone tracking systems by handset manufacturers Fig 8. Mobile phone tracking systems by handset manufacturers  

Fig 8. Mobile phone tracking systems by handset manufacturers



Security tools for Android smart device


The security issue of Android has always been concerned. The key reason is that Android is an open source platform and it allows user to install third parties' applications. There are a lot of Black Market web sites on the Internet providing paid application for free. Some of these applications embedded malicious code and without proper security check. To safeguard your mobile phone, Android users should install a mobile security application. For more detail about security tools, please refer to "Security Tools for Android smart devices"




- If the device is as online, it is turned on and connected to data network, such as Wi-Fi, EDGE or 3G. A fee of using mobile data may be charged by your wireless service provider.

- If the device sends a SMS message, a fee of sending SMS may be charged by your mobile operator.



The objective of this article is to provide more information to users.


HKCERT do not have prejudice on any mobile security tools. Tools mentioned in this article are neither recommended by HKCERT, nor better than tools not mentioned. HKCERT cannot verify if information provided by the supplier is accurate or updated. If you want to query or verify the information, please contact the tool suppliers directly. Under no circumstances will HKCERT nor HKPC be held liable to any third party who may choose to rely on the information, data or software in this website for planning or other purposes.