Incident Reporting
Incident Report Channels
You can report information security incidents to HKCERT via one of these channels. If the HKCERT hotline is busy, please leave a voice message and our staff will call you back.
Scope of Information Security Incidents
HKCERT accepts reports on computer security related incidents, for example, malware, web defacement, phishing, scam, denial of service attack and other information cyber attacks. Enquiries on security protection are also welcomed.
Before reporting an incidents

Be assured that it is safe to use the online Incident Report Form below.

Read the “Terms and Conditions” and “Who Should I report to?” about confidentiality, your responsibilities and other parties relating to the handling of incident reports.

Keep evidences or clues like screen capture, date/time log of event occurrence, symptoms of compromise etc. for future investigation
Incident Report Form
*Mandatory Field