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Favourite Security Reads of the Week (14 Sep 2012)

  "Favourite Security Reads of the Week". Each week we share five news or articles that we like. We hope you will love this column and we welcome your comment via email to [email protected].   Below is the Favourite Security Reads of this Week.     1. Defending Against Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks—New Series (Securosis, 12 Sep 2012)   2. 10 Ways Developers Put Databases At Risk (Dark Reading, 12 Sep 2012)   3. 「取消訂閱留言和讚」就能讓 Facebook 中的陌生人無法得知你的生活與近況? (海芋小站, 8 Sep 2012, Chinese)   4.  The History of SPAM (Glove...
Release Date: 14 Sep 2012 2471 Views

Favourite Security Reads of the Week (7 Sep 2012)

  "Favourite Security Reads of the Week". Each week we share five news or articles that we like. We hope you will love this column and we welcome your comment via email to [email protected].   Below is the Favourite Security Reads of this Week.     1. Honeypot reveals mass surveillance of BitTorrent downloaders (Naked Security, 6 Sep 2012)   2. Does the Windows logon password protect your data? (PC World, 6 Sep 2012)   3. 《Java 零時差漏洞攻擊》Nitro攻擊活動和Java零時差攻擊 (雲端運算與網路安全趨勢, 5 Sep 2012, Chinese)       [Editor: You can refer to this HKCERT blog on...
Release Date: 7 Sep 2012 2481 Views

HKCERT Security Newsletter (September 2012 Issue)

September 2012 Issue of Security Newsletter is available now: /my_url/en/newsletter/1209   Risk Implications of Push Advertisement in Android System Safeguard your phone from Push Ad Favourite Security Reads of the Month Past Event: Collaborate to Win – Build a...
Release Date: 1 Sep 2012 2531 Views

Favourite Security Reads of the Week (31 Aug 2012)

    "Favourite Security Reads of the Week". Each week we share five news or articles that we like. We hope you will love this column and we welcome your comment via email to [email protected]. Below is the Favourite Security Reads of this Week. 1. Building Secure Web Applications Infographic (VERACODE Blog, 5 June 2012) 2. 談OWASP十大雲端服務的資安風險 (蔡一郎的部落格, July 2012, Chinese) 3. 5 Systems You're Forgetting To Patch (Security Dark Reading, 14 Aug 2012) 4. 5...
Release Date: 31 Aug 2012 2840 Views

Safeguard your phone from Push Ad

In the previous article "Risk Implications of Push Ad in Android system", we have analyzed the security problems brought by "push ad". We may try the following measures to solve the problems.   1. Use official app stores   According to reports from different sources...
Release Date: 29 Aug 2012 4108 Views

Security threat and protection of new Java 0-day vulnerability

A new Oracle Java -day (No patches) vulnerability (CVE-2012-4681) was found to affect the Java 7 (1.7) update -6 version and the attack code for this vulnerability has been publicly. The attack mainly focused on...
Release Date: 29 Aug 2012 4705 Views

Favourite Security Reads of the Week (24 Aug 2012)

   "Favourite Security Reads of the Week". Each week we share five news or articles that we like. We hope you will love this column and we welcome your comment via email to [email protected]. Below is the Favourite Security Reads...
Release Date: 24 Aug 2012 2971 Views

Risk Implications of Push Advertisement in Android System

 Push Advertisement (Push Ad)  Recently, Android users reported that they have received some unknown advertisements on the notification bar. After investigation, this is known as "push ad" (advertisement) which prompts on an irregular basis notification message, such as text ad...
Release Date: 22 Aug 2012 5767 Views

Favourite Security Reads of the Week (17 Aug 2012)

    "Favourite Security Reads of the Week". Each week we share five news or articles that we like. We hope you will love this column and we welcome your comment via email to [email protected].   Below is the Favourite Security Reads of this Week.   1. 利益驅動手機病毒業“抱團” 斬斷黑色鏈條當形成合力 (CNCERT, 15 Aug 2012, Simplified Chinese)   2. How to Protect Your Social Network Accounts from Hackers (PCWorld, 14...
Release Date: 17 Aug 2012 2690 Views

Blizzard gaming network hacked. Users should change password

Blizzard Entertainment, a popular online game company in Hong Kong had issued a notice on the official website. Their security team discovered unauthorized and illegal access to Blizzard's internal network. According to their information, there is not yet any evidence that financial information (...
Release Date: 10 Aug 2012 2664 Views