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Favourite Security Reads of the Week (02 Aug 2013)

   Favourite Security Reads of the Week (2 Aug 2013)   "Favourite Security Reads of the Week". Each week we share five news or articles that we like. We hope you will love this column and we welcome your comment via email to [email protected].    Below is the Favourite Security Reads of this Week.   1.Cheating and Bullying: It’s a Bigger Problem than You Think! (McAfee, 31 Jul 2013) 2.Keep Your Laptop Safe While Surfing through Wi-Fi Hotspots (Infographic) (Hot for Security, 31 Jul 2013) 3.Security 101: Directory Harvesting Attacks (DHA) (Fortinet, 31 Jul 2013) 4.Surfing Safe on the Road (F-Secure, 29 Jul 2013) 5.認識惡意威脅:病毒(Virus),木馬(Trojan Horse)等11 個網路威脅定義及安全小秘訣 (雲端運算與網路安全趨勢部落格, ...
Release Date: 2 Aug 2013 2024 Views

HKCERT Calls for Heightened Security Measures against Cyber Threats

Amid increasing public concern over cyber threats, the local information security watchdog - the Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Centre (HKCERT) advises enterprises and Internet users to keep their security measures up to date, and guard against rising attacks on web servers and mobile...
Release Date: 2 Aug 2013 2101 Views

First issue of Hong Kong Google Play Store's Apps Security Risk Report from HKCERT

HKCERT has released the Hong Kong Google Play Store’s Apps Security Risk Report (July 2013).   In the report of July, 186 apps were downloaded from Play Store, where 3 apps have been identified as high risk. Their malicious behaviors included: connecting to...
Release Date: 31 Jul 2013 2704 Views

Hong Kong Google Play Store's Apps Security Risk Report (July 2013)

  Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team (HKCERT) Coordination Centre cooperates with the National Institute of Network and Information Security (NINIS) for detecting malicious and suspicious behaviors of Apps from the Google Play Store, in order to study the security risk of apps in the Google Play Store for Hong Kong area. NINIS provides us analyzed result, and we collate the detection result and publishes security alerts to the public.   In the report of July, 186 apps were downloaded from Play Store, where 3 apps have been identified as high risk. The detail of report is shown as follow.   Target scope: Top 50 Free Applications in Hong Kong area Top 50 New Free Applications in Hong Kong area Top 50 Free Games in Hong Kong area Top 50 New Free Games in Hong Kong area   Scanned Apps Successful downloaded and scanned: 186 apps Unable to download via the system: 14 apps Downloaded date: 5-July 2013 List of the downloaded apps: "Appendix 1"   Analysis Overview   In this analysis, 186 apps were scanned for bad behaviors. Based on the level of security threat, the apps were divided into 2 categories: apps with malicious and apps with suspicious behaviors. Malicious behavior refers to apps behavior pose malicious level of security risk, which can be identified explicitly, that causes security threat to users. Suspicious behavior refers to apps behavior pose certain level of security risk, but no malicious behavior can be explicitly identified.   1. Scanning Result   Among the 186 scanned apps, 3 apps were identified as security high risk. These 3 Apps were identified with a high risk behavior signature, a.remote.GingerMaster or Android.Trojan.InfoStealer. a.remote.GingerMaster, can connect to the Internet in background, and get the commands from server, to undermine the systems, disclose the information of IMEI, IMSI, and geo-location, etc. Also, it illegally tries to gain the root permission, and install malware silently. Android.Trojan.InfoStealer, is an online banking fraud, which is a Trojan generation tool. Intruder can modify the tool based on the property of target game, and produce a Trojan for the target game.   List of security high risk apps   No. App High risk behavior signature Detail behavior Ad plug-in 1 神魔龍鬥士OL-萬神之王 Android.Trojan.InfoStealer It is an online banking fraud, which is a Trojan generation tool. Intruder can modify the tool based on the property of target game, and produce a ...
Release Date: 30 Jul 2013 3125 Views

Favourite Security Reads of the Week (26 Jul 2013)

   Favourite Security Reads of the Week (26 Jul 2013)   "Favourite Security Reads of the Week". Each week we share five news or articles that we like. We hope you will love this column and we welcome your comment via email to hkcert@hkcert...
Release Date: 26 Jul 2013 2096 Views

Corresponding to the "Master Key" critical vulnerability in Android

In July 2013, Bluebox Security research team reported their discovery of a vulnerability in Android's security model that allows a hacker to modify any APK file (Android application package file) to become a malicious Trojan without breaking the application's cryptographic signature, and...
Release Date: 25 Jul 2013 2917 Views

Favourite Security Reads of the Week (19 Jul 2013)

   Favourite Security Reads of the Week (19 Jul 2013)   "Favourite Security Reads of the Week". Each week we share five news or articles that we like. We hope you will love this column and we welcome your comment via email to hkcert@hkcert...
Release Date: 19 Jul 2013 2276 Views

Favourite Security Reads of the Week (12 Jul 2013)

   Favourite Security Reads of the Week (12 Jul 2013)   "Favourite Security Reads of the Week". Each week we share five news or articles that we like. We hope you will love this column and we welcome your comment via email to hkcert@hkcert...
Release Date: 12 Jul 2013 2316 Views

Do you know your website is secure?

Recently, Hong Kong had multiple websites were successive successful intruded by hackers. Besides of upload the stolen information on the Internet, they also listed in detail throughout the intrusion process. From these incidents, we found that the hacker's attack technique was very systematic...
Release Date: 9 Jul 2013 3062 Views

Favourite Security Reads of the Week (5 Jul 2013)

   Favourite Security Reads of the Week (5 Jul 2013)   "Favourite Security Reads of the Week". Each week we share five news or articles that we like. We hope you will love this column and we welcome your comment via email to hkcert@hkcert...
Release Date: 5 Jul 2013 1975 Views