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Favourite Security Reads of the Week (27 Dec 2013)

  Favourite Security Reads of the Week (27 Dec 2013)   "Favourite Security Reads of the Week". Each week we share five news or articles that we like. We hope you will love this column and we welcome your comment via email to [email protected].    Below is the Favourite Security Reads of this Week.   1.Don't Focus on Predictions: What are Your 2014 IT Security Resolutions? (Security Week, 26 Dec 2013) 2.Study: Mobile Devices Escalating Endpoint Security Risks (DarkReading, 26 Dec 2013) 3.Tomcat伺服器首度成為攻擊鎖定目標,臺灣公務機關淪為駭客指揮中心 (iThome online, 17 Dec 2013, 中文) 4.Dynamoo's Blog: Video: Chinese...
Release Date: 27 Dec 2013 1384 Views

Hong Kong Google Play Store's Apps Security Risk Report (December 2013)

  Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team (HKCERT) Coordination Centre cooperates with the National Institute of Network and Information Security (NINIS) for detecting malicious and suspicious behaviors of Apps from the Google Play Store, in order to study the security risk of apps in the Google Play Store in Hong Kong area. NINIS provides us analyzed result, and we collate the detection result and publish security alerts to the public.   In the report of December, we have downloaded 165 apps from Play Store, where 3 apps have been identified as high risk. 2 of them were removed from Play Store (on or before 27-December). The detail of report is shown as follow.   Target scope: Top 50 Free Applications in Hong Kong area Top 50 New Free Applications in Hong Kong area Top 50 Free Games in Hong Kong area Top 50 New Free Games in Hong Kong area   Scanned Apps Successful downloaded and scanned: 165 apps Unable to download via the system: 35 apps Downloaded date: 5-December 2013 List of the downloaded apps: "Appendix 1" [download]   Analysis Overview   In this analysis, 165 apps were scanned for bad behaviors. Based on the level of security threat, the apps were divided into 2 categories: apps with malicious and apps with suspicious behaviors. Malicious behavior refers to apps behavior pose malicious level of security risk, which can be identified explicitly, that causes security threat to users. Suspicious behavior refers to apps behavior pose certain level of security risk, but no malicious behavior can be explicitly identified.   1. Scanning Result   Among the 165 scanned apps, 3 apps were identified as security high risk. These 3 Apps were identified with the following high risk behavior signatures Android.Adware.Adwo, Android.Trojan.Generic, Android.Adware.AirPush, Android.AdWare.AdMogo, ApplicUnwnt, Android.Adware.Plankton, Android.Adware.Mobclick.   List of security high risk apps   Application High risk behavior signature / Ad plug-in Malware detection ratio by VirusTotal Status # 1. 2014桃花運 精准分析桃花走勢 v1..2 Category: New Free Applications Installs: 10,000-50,000 High risk behavior description: It can obtain SIM serial number, obtain SIM status, ...
Release Date: 27 Dec 2013 2305 Views

Winners of "Be a Smart Netizen" Video Contest

The objective of the “Be a Smart Netizen” video contest is to promote the awareness of information security and adoption of best security practices in the community.  The video should tell a story on how a smart netizen could prevent and respond to the...
Release Date: 23 Dec 2013 1594 Views

Favourite Security Reads of the Week (20 Dec 2013)

  Favourite Security Reads of the Week (20 Dec 2013)   "Favourite Security Reads of the Week". Each week we share five news or articles that we like. We hope you will love this column and we welcome your comment via email to hkcert@hkcert....
Release Date: 20 Dec 2013 1765 Views

Hong Kong Industry Network Clusters (HK-INC) cross-sector consultation meeting

 As cyber attacks become more frequent and complex in nature and the discovery of Stuxnet in 2010, Critical Infrastructure (CI) are facing increased cyber risk. HKPC invited CI and organization which related to social livelihood to participate the Hong Kong Industry Network Clusters (HK...
Release Date: 18 Dec 2013 1530 Views

Favourite Security Reads of the Week (13 Dec 2013)

  Favourite Security Reads of the Week (13 Dec 2013)   "Favourite Security Reads of the Week". Each week we share five news or articles that we like. We hope you will love this column and we welcome your comment via email to hkcert@hkcert....
Release Date: 13 Dec 2013 1794 Views

ZeroAccess Botnet Detection and Cleanup in Hong Kong

  Contents HKCERT operation on ZeroAccess botnet infection Impact of ZeroAccess botnet How to detect and remove ZeroAccess malware Reference   HKCERT estimated that about 2,500 computers in Hong Kong are infected by ZeroAccess botnet. To avoid your computers become the hacker...
Release Date: 10 Dec 2013 6151 Views

Favourite Security Reads of the Week (6 Dec 2013)

  Favourite Security Reads of the Week (06 Dec 2013)   "Favourite Security Reads of the Week". Each week we share five news or articles that we like. We hope you will love this column and we welcome your comment via email to hkcert@hkcert....
Release Date: 6 Dec 2013 1593 Views

HKCERT Security Newsletter (December 2013 Issue)

December 2013 Issue of Security Newsletter is available now: /my_url/en/newsletter/1312   Cover Story Using Joomla? Your website might already take part in DDoS attack Alert Beware of unknown bill notification email Hot Topic Hong Kong Google Play...
Release Date: 1 Dec 2013 1443 Views

Favourite Security Reads of the Week (29 Nov 2013)

  Favourite Security Reads of the Week (29 Nov 2013)   "Favourite Security Reads of the Week". Each week we share five news or articles that we like. We hope you will love this column and we welcome your comment via email to hkcert@hkcert....
Release Date: 29 Nov 2013 1563 Views