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HK Victims Reported in Global Takedown of "Avalanche" Cybercrime Hosting Platform

  Source: Europol   A joint operation to take down the “Avalanche” cybercrime hosting platform was led by Europol, and conducted with law enforcement, judiciaries, and security researchers from more than 30 countries. In this operation, 5 individuals were arrested, and...
Release Date: 2 Dec 2016 6362 Views

HKCERT Security Newsletter (December 2016 Issue)

  Cover Story SME Free Web Security Health Check Pilot Scheme (2016) Final Report 3 billion phone numbers with identities exposed by "Caller Blocking" apps Hot Topic Hong Kong Google Play Store's Apps Security Risk Report (November 2016)   ...
Release Date: 1 Dec 2016 1450 Views

SME Free Web Security Health Check Pilot Scheme (2016) Final Report

HKCERT launched "SME Free Web Security Health Check Pilot Scheme" in Jan 2016. 35 companies joined the scheme, and 30 of them had gone through the scanning. We have also conducted a survey on the profile of the participants of the scheme.   Here is...
Release Date: 29 Nov 2016 1801 Views

Favourite Security Reads of the Week (25 Nov 2016)

  Favourite Security Reads of the Week (25 Nov 2016) .   "Favourite Security Reads of the Week". Each week we share five news or articles that we like. We hope you will love this column and we welcome your comment via email to [email protected].   Below is the Favourite Security Reads of this Week.   更新Android裝置 堵塞保安漏洞 (Written by HKCERT on Hong Kong Economic Times, 2016-11-18, Chinese) Strategic Principles for Securing the IoT (US-CERT, 2016-11-15) How to Secure...
Release Date: 25 Nov 2016 1413 Views

3 billion phone numbers with identities exposed by "Caller Blocking" apps

An investigation by the FactWire News Agency found that three mobile apps with the “ Caller Blocking ” feature are collecting and integrating users’ phone address books into a publicly available database, which contains around 3 billion phone numbers with identities. The database contains the numbers of...
Release Date: 23 Nov 2016 3209 Views

Favourite Security Reads of the Week (18 Nov 2016)

  Favourite Security Reads of the Week (18 Nov 2016) .   "Favourite Security Reads of the Week". Each week we share five news or articles that we like. We hope you will love this column and we welcome your comment via email to [email protected].   Below is the Favourite Security Reads of this Week.   注意網購保安 免血拼變雙失 (Written by HKCERT on Hong Kong Economic Times, 2016-11-11, Chinese) Hackers show preference for botnets over reflection attacks in Q3 2016 (CIO Asia, 2016-11-...
Release Date: 18 Nov 2016 1260 Views

Favourite Security Reads of the Week (11 Nov 2016)

  Favourite Security Reads of the Week (11 Nov 2016) .   "Favourite Security Reads of the Week". Each week we share five news or articles that we like. We hope you will love this column and we welcome your comment via email to [email protected].   Below is the Favourite Security Reads of this Week.   滙款先核實 免墮假電郵騙局 (Written by HKCERT on Hong Kong Economic Times, 2016-11-04, Chinese) New Free Mirai Scanner Tools Spot Infected, Vulnerable IoT Devices (Dark Reading, 2016-11-...
Release Date: 11 Nov 2016 1192 Views

Favourite Security Reads of the Week (4 Nov 2016)

  Favourite Security Reads of the Week (4 Nov 2016) .   "Favourite Security Reads of the Week". Each week we share five news or articles that we like. We hope you will love this column and we welcome your comment via email to [email protected].   Below is the Favourite Security Reads of this Week.   3-2-1備份原則 保障資料安全 (Written by HKCERT on Hong Kong Economic Times, 2016-10-28, Chinese) Cyber risk and resilience: not understood (Microsoft, 2016-10-25) How Valuable is Your Healthcare...
Release Date: 4 Nov 2016 1013 Views

HKCERT Security Newsletter (November 2016 Issue)

  Cover Story Hong Kong Security Watch Report (Q3 2016) Several online stores in Hong Kong vulnerable to credit card fraud Large websites attacked by massive DDoS from Internet-enabled devices (IoT devices) More than half of Android devices are vulnerable...
Release Date: 1 Nov 2016 1192 Views

Favourite Security Reads of the Week (28 Oct 2016)

  Favourite Security Reads of the Week (28 Oct 2016) .   "Favourite Security Reads of the Week". Each week we share five news or articles that we like. We hope you will love this column and we welcome your comment via email to [email protected].   Below is the Favourite Security Reads of this Week.   網絡設備易洩私隱 成黑客工具 (Written by HKCERT on Hong Kong Economic Times, 2016-10-21, Chinese) Who to Blame for the Attack on the Internet (2016-10-23, Fortune) ...
Release Date: 28 Oct 2016 1180 Views